Happy New Year to All

Firstly I would like to thank you all, seniors and students alike, for your support during the past year which I believe was a very positive year.

As we leave 2023 behind and move forward into 2024, we wonder what it will bring!

The BAF like all organisations is only as strong as it’s members… When one member develops the whole group develops, no one is more important than another, we are all students on the Aikido path!

Of course we are all at different points on our paths but it is important we share our practice with open minds and hearts to develop our practice.

Going forward into 2024 let us renew our enthusiasm for Aikido, aware that the more we put into our training, the more it will repay us with knowledge and understanding from “How to Why!!”

Aikido will continue to develop over the coming years and the BAF along with the Hombu will work on its future path. It is important, as it has always been in the BAF, that our Aikido is built on a strong foundation, and the BAF will continue on its path in the true Spirit of the Founder, O’Sensei.

So I look forward to 2024 with our instructors supporting our students, and our students supporting our instructors, the BAF will have a positive 2024 in the Aikido world!

Peter Gillard BAF Chair