Details regarding joining the British Aikido Federation (B.A.F) along with access to Aikido resources such as B.A.F organisation and governance, club management resources, Aikido coaching, Technical Information, Grading information for registered members etc.
Important notice – Dojo affiliation fees for 2022-2023 are waived.
Please contact the General Secretary or Treasurer for more information.
Seniors: £35
Students and Concessionary: £25
Juniors (up to 18 years): £15
Senior Citizens: £20 (over 65)
(Family group – 3 members and over: 75% of the total)
Provisional membership (up to one month’s duration): £5
Membership renewals should be sent to the Membership Secretary at the following address:
By email to: (include details from the membership form or image of the membership form)
By Post to: BAF Membership Secretary 5 Waterloo Rd Cardiff CF23 5AD
Pay By Electronic Transfer:
Bank Sort Code: 20-65-18 Bank Account: 30209538
Note: don’t forget to add a reference so I know who it came from and send an accompanying email to
NB. Failure to do this may mean that your payment is not noticed and your renewal not processed.
Or as an interim measure pay by cheque
Note It will be the secretaries responsibility to write the certificate number and expiry date in the box at the front of the book where formerly the BAF stamp went.
E-Certificates of insurance will only be sent to the secretary by email. These are only available as e-certificates (not paper) if you wish you can print them and put them in your book – this would only be a personal preference it is not required.
Note: In order to be insured you need to be a paid-up member of the BAF and a BAF club. Insurance is not valid without this
Venue Insurance
Venue insurance has been held at £45.00p this year despite an actual rise in the premium. The process is similar to membership renewal except venue details as on the Dojo Affiliation form are required.
Instructors Insurance
This insurance is now part of your normal membership cover. There are no special requirements instructors insurance is allocated automatically (for registered instructors).
Newly qualified instructors MUST inform the membership secretary of their change of status and provide details of their certification and the certificate number a one off fee of £4 will be required (unless this event coincides with membership renewal).
Individual Renewals
Without using the club secretary, circumstances may mean that you cannot go through your club secretary and need to renew by yourself. The process is exactly the same as above. However it is doubly important to: send an accompanying email
NB. Failure to do this may mean that your payment is not noticed and your renewal not processed.
New Members
The process remains the same in essence except that now you can use online banking to transfer the subscription money. Just ensure that the forms and or cheque are now sent to the above address.
Here are the process outlines
New Member
Secretary Process
General Membership Form
For clubs general use this form may be used for joining members - clubs retaining necessary information for safety and insurance while also passing key information to the BAF membership secretary. FORM LINK
BAF support for members - Dojo Grants
login to see details
Grading Information
Grading syllabus, advice and applications forms are accessible in "Technical Information" below
Grading Fees
6th, 5th, 4th Kyu Grades:
£15 for the examination
3rd Kyu Grades and above:
£20.00 for the examination
For All Dan grades
£30.00 for the examination + additional Hombu Fee
£20 for Junior Shodan grading (details)
£13.00 for Kyu grades (fees paid only on each full kyu grading ie not tabs)
At the meeting of the BAF Technical and Grading Committee, held at summer school 2024, it has been decided that club instructors can grade their own junior members up to the 2nd mon of each grade. If you consider a junior is capable of going beyond that or to achieve a full grade then the grading test must be conducted by a BAF Shihan, shidoin or fukushidoin
Grading Results:
Do Not Send Books
Technical Information
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Insurance related
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Child protection - information and contacts
Please login to view this information in full.
For Queries on Child Protection Please contact
B.A.F Child Protection Officer: Andrew Peterson
Please send any queries in relation to Child Protection to:
Data Protection - GDPR
British Aikido Federation Privacy Policy
The British Aikido Federation (BAF) is a not-for-profit organisation established soley for the purpose of enabling and promoting the practice of Aikido in England and Wales. The operating structure of the BAF does not require it to have an appointed Data Protection Officer(DPO) as defined by the rules of the General Data Protection Register(GDPR) in force from 25th May 2018.
The information we collect about you...
We may collect the following information about you via your club or if you send details directly to the membership secretary:
• name, age, aikido qualification and instructor status, IAF and Hombu registration information
• address, telephone, email address may be held if provided but are not obligatory
The information collected via the website will not include any personal information and will be limited to...
• IP address (which is a unique identifier that computers and devices use to identify and communicate with each other) which is automatically recognised by the web server but carries no personal information about you
The information clubs collect about you.
Normal member communications are carried out via club secretaries. Clubs will hold member contact details for membership and emergency purposes and contact details for guardians for junior members. Medical information and permissions may also be held where necessary for safety and insurance purposes
How we use your information
We may use your personal information for a number of purposes, including:
• To deal with your requests and enquiries.
• To contact you for reasons related to your enquiry.
• To notify you about insurance and membership or BAF and related events
• To use your IP address to monitor traffic and gather browsing behaviors of visitors to our websites. We will not use your IP address to identify you in any way.
Our legal bases for processing your information
We will retain and process your data on the basis of the following legitimate interests:
• The transfer of registered members from one club to another. You will maintain the same record but the club name associated with the record will change.
• For administration purposes a selected number of staff can access data to help to respond to queries, update data and perform necessary administration activity.
• Providing relevant and necessary information via email to you about the following:
- Changes to rules and regulation
- Updates to advice and guidance relating to BAF issues
- Transactional information relating to insurance and club membership
• your data will be retained for 3yrs after you leave for insurance purposes. We will anonomise your data after 4yrs.
Finding out what information the BAF holds about you
Under the Data Protection Legislation, you can ask to see any personal information that we hold about you. Such requests are called subject access requests. If you would like to make a subject access request, please contact any member of the BAF executive committee.
The BAF website
The BAF website ( is maintained by the BAF for its members. Some protected content is stored on the website for BAF members and to gain access to this material requires login but does not requires registration. Your IP address is noted by the website but only to monitor traffic and gather browsing behaviour of visitors to our websites. We will not use your IP address to identify you in any way.
Cookies are employed by the website for security. The use of cookies in no way exposes your personal information and only affects your access to the BAF website noting access and times for routine website monitoring purposes.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We regularly review our Privacy Policy and updates will appear on this page when necessary. This Privacy Policy was last updated in October 2021.
Contacting British Aikido Federation about this Privacy Policy
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy please write to us:
Head Office:
Lands End,
The Towpath,
Hythe Bridge St,
Oxford, OX1 2TA.