New Year message
To all our Members!
Dear Friends, Happy New Year to you all.
We start the 2021 with a hope for the future. Even since my last message all of a sudden things have started to change, and what a good time to come at the beginning of a New Year.
With the two vaccines coming on line we can look to the time that our Dojo’s will start to be opened and we can get back to normal practice.
Of course, when this happens there will probably still be some regulations around for sometime before it will be as it was before the virus came.
But I assure you all we will be looking at the position as things change and although like everyone be keen to get back into the Dojo, we will be making sure we do it in the safest possible way.
It will be important also to keep in mind the position of courses restarting. At the present time Summer School is booked so fingers crossed that it will be able to go ahead… It would be hoped that we would be able to hold a weekend course before S/S but of course all things depend on the situation as it unfolds.
This time away from Aikido has been a time to appreciate what Aikido gives us. For some that’s many years of our lives, and for others who may have just begun, a new journey. Through the practice with the company of others we work together to develop ourselves physically and mentally towards not just an understanding of O’Sensei’s Aikido in the Dojo but we can learn to use the practice and message of his Aikido in our daily lives.
So with renewed hope for a Better New Year and Good Health to All
Peter Gillard BAF Chair