Seasons Greetings from the IAF

Dear IAF member friends,
As we look back upon the past year, we would like to acknowledge those who have
helped us shape our initiatives. Thanks for a great year, and we wish you all the best as
we embark on 2020.
The global environment surrounding Aikido keeps changing and bringing new
challenges and opportunities. The IAF has taken the task to work closer, more than
ever, with Aikikai Hombu Dojo under the leadership of Doshu and Dojocho. We have
also received numerous suggestions and collaboration to our initiatives from our
members and this has allowed us to have a fruitful year as you have seen from our 6
month reports.
The team representing you all is small and budget is limited but we have tried to
dedicate our time and efforts in anticipation of the coming challenges and prepare to
take on actions that matters and that will be of great importance to Aikikai in general.
While we have not been able to focus equally to all the regions of the world, we have
embarked to try and expand our scope of geographic coverage as well as on topics as
you will see in the International Aikido Summit of 2020.
IAF is a member based organization for friendship but as Aikikai continues to recognize
newer organizations around the world, it becomes crucial for us, not only to provide the

platform for friendship and activities but to extend some coverage to those who are
Aikikai recognized entities that are outside of the current IAF structure. As Doshu
directed “all those Aikikai recognized entities that wish to join IAF, should be able to join
IAF, if they so desire” is a mission for IAF. This directive matches the requirements of
the international organizations such as GAISF that expect that our IAF members
represent the largest share of Aikido practitioners in each country.
IAF, under the directions of Aikikai, will strive to promote a stronger Aikikai identity
through the web and through some events and activities. Your assistance, contributions
and suggestions will always be welcome.
During the holiday season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our
success possible. It is in this spirit that we say thank you and best wishes for the
holidays and New Year.
Best regards,
Kei Izawa
International Aikido Federation